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Curriculum Overview

Providing a limitless education that empowers choice through enriching, meaningful and active opportunities developing lovely people.

Our school curriculum vision is outlined in our vision. This vision has been further expanded and explained in our vision documents Part 2 – 7 . For our EYFS Pre-school and Reception children, our EYFS policy will outline the  Early Years Foundation Stage  curriculum we will offer. The Early Years Foundation stage Handbook can be found here.

If you have questions about our curriculum, please contact us on [email protected] or contact Craig Jones on 01934 312720.

British Values Statement

Open the link below to explore how our school addresses British Values in the curriculum and wider life of the Academy.

British Values Statement

Reading and Phonics Scheme

To support our children’s development of their reading skills, the school has elected to teach phonics using Unlocking Letters & Sounds. The teaching team also draw upon a range of resources to meet the needs of our learners to ensure they can begin and further develop their skills to read words.

Skilled word-reading involves working out the pronunciation of unfamiliar printed words (decoding) and recognising familiar printed words. Underpinning both of these is the understanding that letters represent the sounds in spoken words. Fluent decoding supports pupils’ comprehension, because they do not have to devote mental energy to individual words.  A good grasp of phonics is also important for spelling, contributing to fluency and confidence in writing. Unlocking Letters and Sounds sets out a detailed and systematic programme for teaching phonic skills for children with the aim of them becoming fluent readers by age seven. Unlocking Letters and sounds sessions take place in reception, year 1 and year 2.

The school has elected to support the teaching of reading using a range of books from well-known authors, both fiction and non-fiction, these books form our HVA Reading Spine.  In addition, a range of text types from the DfE validateOxford Reading Tree reading programme ensures pupils have access to appropriate levelled texts for home and class reading.


Swimming is within the national primary PE curriculum and we aim to meet the health and attainment expectations of the curriculum. As a seaside town, and as the school is located on a housing estate with waterways/reens, the school believes all children should have opportunities to develop their swimming skills for safety as well as enjoyment. Like all subjects, the provision is not optional, and we aspire that all children can have the chance to revisit and build upon their swimming skills year on year alongside their peers, regardless of their involvement in swimming opportunities beyond the school.  We access https://www.swimming.org/swimengland/ and they provide support and updates, which we use to inform decision making and conversations with our local swimming centre and their coaches.

Forest School

Forest School is an enrichment opportunity that is integral to the curriculum we offer. Children from Pre-school to Year 6 experience Forest School, which is led by Forest School leaders from Wildwood Adventures http://www.wildwood-adventures.co.uk/our-team/ alongside our teaching team .  Within our Forest School, children learn about the natural world through play and in all weathers.  The opportunities are linked to the themed enquiries within their year group and personalised to meet the interests and development of the cohorts.  More information about Forest School can be found on http://www.wildwood-adventures.co.uk/what-is-forest-school/