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Eco-Schools Award

At Haywood Village Academy, we are working with the children, staff and families to strive to acheive our Eco-Schools Award. Eco Schools provides a simple, seven-step framework that guides, empowers, and motivates pupils to drive change and improve environmental awareness in their school, local community and beyond. Uniquely, the eco schools project places young people at the heart of these environmental actions. The Green Flag Award is an internationally recognised achievement for schools committed to Learning for Sustainability. Through an environmental review the Eco committee can decide on three topics they want to work on throughout the year. However, many of these topics naturally overlap each other and can help our school community in a variety of ways.


Artsmark Gold Award

At Haywood Village Academy, we strive for our children to feel empowered and inspired through the arts. We continue to work with children, staff and our local community to continue the success that was recognised by our Gold Artsmark award. Artsmark is an award that recognises all of the arts including, visual art, dance, music, drama, design and creative writing within a school setting. At HVA, we promote a culture of arts and a love of learning. The Artsmark award is a nationally recognised qualification and is the only creative quality standard for schools and education settings, accredited by Arts Council England. Artsmark’s flexible framework is designed to help us embed arts, culture and creativity across our whole curriculum, celebrating our commitment to cultural education.


School Games Gold Award

We were delighted to be awarded the ‘School Games Gold Award’. The school continues to engage positively with a self-evaluation process to review the quality of opportunities pupils have in our school through sport and physical activity.  Our school has demonstrated that we engage in sport and physical activity to a Gold Standard.

In our school we prioritise physical activity and school sport and provide young people with the opportunity to enjoy and learn through competition to achieve their personal best. It is recognised that our children, at Haywood Village Academy, have fun and enjoy themselves; develop friendships and meet new people; become more determined and demonstrate resilience; understand and demonstrate the importance of respect for others; learn to develop self-control and manage emotions; experience being part of a team and understand your contribution to it; win with pride and lose with grace; learn the importance of practice and preparation; learn how to set realistic goals and work towards achieving them; consider the impact participating in the School Games has on their surroundings including wider environmental issues; aspire to improve and challenge themselves.


Active Healthy Schools Award

We were delighted to be awarded the ‘Active Healthy Schools Award,’ in recognition of our enduring and impressive commitment to health and wellbeing.
North Somerset Healthy Schools Network Team view the Healthy Schools process as a journey, and it was recognised that our school has worked hard over the years to maintain the initiatives set in place, whilst working with this programme. Opportunities for extra-curricular activities have increased through provision of a wide range of school clubs. Healthy eating messages and activities have become embedded within the culture of the school.