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Pupil Outcomes

We are tremendously proud of the wide ranging achievements our children make in our school: From learning to regulate their behaviour to producing an emotion-evoking piece of poetry; from developing the confidence to speak fluently and purposefully in front of others to truly understanding the world around them through a scientific explanation; from designing and painting a beautiful watercolour to becoming an accomplished swimmer, we have been and will continue to be proud of our pupils’ outcomes.

Pupil outcomes that we would like to share can be found below. In addition, performance DfE tables can be found by clicking here.

Early Years Good Level of Development

This is the percentage of Reception children who achieved the expected standard of attainment for age group.

2017-2018: 85%
2018-2019: 88%
2019-2020: 64%
2020-2021: 87%
2021-2022: 85%
2022-2023: 85%

Year 1 Phonics

This is the percentage of Year 1 children who achieved the expected standard for attainment in phonics for the age group.
2017-18: 83% (46 children)
2018-19: 92% (60 children)
2021-2022: 93% (60 children)
2022-2023: 92% (60 children)

Key Stage 1

This is the percentage of children at the end of KS1 (Year 2) who met the expected standard.

Reading – 73%
Writing – 70%
Maths – 75%
Combined RWM – 58%

Reading – 75%
Writing – 65%
Maths – 80%
Combined RWM – 63%

Year 4 MTC

This is taken as an average of scores across the cohort of Year 4 children. It represents the average number of marks children score in the multiplication test taken at the end of Year 4.

2022 – Average mark 23.3
2023 – Average mark 23.1