World Book Day 2025

Thu 6th Mar 2025
8:45am - 3:15pm

Event Details

Thursday 6th March –  World Book Day Dress Up Day

Thee children will also be having a fun book-themed school lunch.

Children are invited to dress up as a book character. As last year was so successful, we are encouraging families to re-use as much as possible and we challenge you to not buy anything new to create your home-made outfits. We will also be promoting this approach with children. As an Eco-school we are promoting the 5 R’s which are Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose and Recycle.

Children will also take part in a team talk book club on this day, hear an end of day story from a reading buddy from their partnered class and get involved in a whole STOP, DROP and  READ. On this day your child will bring a book token home that can be exchanged for a free book at local stores (please see token for stores accepting tokens).