Sports Day

Wed 3rd Jul 2024
9:00am - 3:15pm

Event Details

9am – 10am: Sports Day for Pre-school.

10am – 12pm: Sports Day for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.

12pm – 1pm: Picnic lunch – parents invited into school to have a picnic lunch with their children.

1pm – 3:15pm: Sports Day for Year 3 – Year 6.

Parents are invited to come into school to watch their children take part. The children will be having packed lunches on this day and will be eating these outside.  Parents are invited to bring picnic food in for themselves and eat with the children at lunchtime.

Sports Day will take place weather permitting. If the weather is poor and we have to postpone, the reserve date for Sports Day is Thursday 11th July.