Cost: £15 per child, £10 for a HVA sibling.
HVA staff will staff the night. Children will need to arrive at 6pm and will have to have eaten their evening meal before arrival. Children will need to bring a sleeping bag or duvet, a pillow, pyjamas, toothpaste and a toothbrush. If children can bring a camping mattress, this will be helpful but it is not required. The children will enjoy a range of activities and sleep in the school ‘Street’ on the gym mats. In the morning, a breakfast of toast and/or cereal will be available. Collection will need to be at 9am prompt.
Please note that children will not be permitted to bring electronic devices to use during the sleepover. Mobile phones can be brought into school to support independent communication on arrival and at the end of the sleepover. They will be collected and stored safely during the sleepover.
A Microsoft Form will be sent to parents to book places in the next few weeks.